If you are a nurse or nursing student interested in becoming a member of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses here is some more information on membership:
National Membership Benefits
As a member of NAHN™, you have a voice in national issues impacting the health care of Hispanics. All members are eligible to participate in NAHN™ activities, to be candidates for NAHN™ elected positions, and participate in the election of NAHN™ board members. Benefits of membership include continuing education,
professional networking, and leadership development.
Chapter Membership Benefits
Local chapters provide members with the opportunity to the address issues impacting health care of Hispanics at the local and state levels. Benefits of chapter membership include local continuing education, professional and social networking.
Types of Memberships
General (previously Full and Associate): For any nurse licensed in the United States and its jurisdictions and who is interested in helping to solve the healthcare problems and support the healthcare needs of the Hispanic community.
Affiliate: For non-nursing health care professionals interested in solving problems/needs of Hispanic/Latino/a nurses
International Associate: Licensed Hispanic/Latino(a) nurses licensed not residing in the US or its jurisdictions
Emeritus (previously Retired): For Hispanic/Latino/a US-licensed nurses 62 years or older who are not employed full-time in nursing
Student: For Hispanic/Latino/a students enrolled in a RN, LPN/LVN program full time (Proof Required: current transcript+ or letter from nursing program leading to licensure). This category does not apply to student nurses who already have an RN, LPN/LVN license.
National Membership
General- National Membership Only: $125 (one year) or $200 (two year)
National Membership with a Chapter Membership: $150 (one year) or $250 (two year)
Nursing Affiliate- National Membership Only: $30
National Membership with a Chapter Membership: $40
International Affiliate- National Membership Only: $75
National Membership with a Chapter Membership: $100
Emeritus (previously Retired)- National Membership Only: $75
National Membership with a Chapter Membership: $90
Student- National Membership Only: $40
National Membership with a Chapter Membership: $50
For more information on NAHN's national organization, membership, and application click here